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I've been inspired to start a blog by all the other bloggers and youtubers out there. I enjoy reading, watching and learning and want to give something back.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


The word family means different things to all of us. I can't help but think that the world these days has really lost it. They have no values or morals and I believe that's why there is such chaos going on in the world.

Why is it that people are so quick to hop in bed? It takes ONE time to make a baby. So if you just meet someone and have sex within a short period of time how well do you know them? If a baby was conceived do you know what kind of parent that person will be?

Also why are so many people willing to have sex with someone they know is committed to someone else. Most men chase sex so ladies don't get caught up in that. Respect yourself and value yourself. If your not waiting until marriage at least be committed to a person before you lay down with them.

This is a drop topic with a lot of opinions I'm sure. What do you all think?


So I'd like to have more discussions on the threads after blog post. Share my blog and let's talk about some issues!

Because if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


For me the new year didn't start off so great.  On new year's day I lost my last grandparent, my Nana.  February 27th she would have been 90 years old!  We were planning a big party for her, now we are still throwing a party at her church to celebrate her life.

She had a really difficult life but still managed to keep a smile on her face.  She was always on the go from one club to another, baking cookies, visiting with her friends, going to church and her weekly visit to my parents house for Sunday dinner.  To hear everyone talk about her was such a gift I wish I could have received without having to lose her.  I heard so many new stories about her.

She was a giving lady!  She was on a fixed income and could barely get by on the money she received yet she was always sending donations to the veterans, orphanages and pet shelters.  She baked cookies that everyone loved and she used to sell them by the bucket loads!  My sister now has all her baking things and is going to try and replicate her cookies.

2012 was her most challenging year.  Her health had her in and out of assisted living and that was a life my Nana never wanted.  Like I said before she was always moving and off to another activity.  For her to miss out on those things and be stuck in the hospital drained her character.  When I visited her she was so down, I'd try and cheer her up and let her know that soon enough she would be out and about.  When she finally got word she was being released is when her spirit returned.  A sedentary life was just not for my Nana!  I love her and miss her but now that now she can continue to do those things with out the worry of her body declining.  She is reunited with my grandfather and I know that after 24 years they are happy to be back in each others arms!!!

The one regret I have is not taking better care of her.  I hadn't been to her apartment in I don't know how long.  We would always take her out or have her over to our place.  When I visited her apartment is when I realized I should have been there to help her with the things that she was having trouble doing, such as cleaning.  However, rather than beat myself up about it I now know better.  I will be sure I take care of my parents.  I will be sure the young people in my family know to take care of their parents and grandparents.  And I am telling you!  Check in on the older folks.  They are from a different time and are too proud to ask for help.  Don't ask them what you can do because they will tell you nothing.  Just go and let your eyes show you what you can do.

Love you Nana!