Do you ever wonder what it all really means? What is the purpose to work like we so for money. Then we spend this money sushi easily so quickly. It just makes me wonder sometimes if we have it all wrong.
A little bit of everything! From crafts to fashion on down to travel. And always some inspiration to love yourself!
About Me

- Impervious Lady
- I've been inspired to start a blog by all the other bloggers and youtubers out there. I enjoy reading, watching and learning and want to give something back.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
With the technology...FINALLY
So I've finally got a new phone! I intend to be more active on my blog now that I can do it I n the go! I'm so excited :-)
Monday, December 3, 2012
Vacation Dreaming
Since early 2012 one of my close friends kept talking about she couldn't wait to go back to Hawaii and I kept telling her let me know I want to go. Well she started planning things for March 2013 and I was excited!
However I also moved out on my own in early 2012 so there were a lot of changes to my budget. Now getting into December she nicely let me know that she needed me to confirm since the condo needed to be paid by the end of the year. Rather than being childish and thinking about what I wanted to do, which was of course go to Hawaii. I put some real thought into the cost.
Well I would need to come up with $300 by the end of the year for the condo. Then I would soon need to work on getting a plane ticket which would run about $1000. Then of course comes the expenses of the actual trip and maintaining a budget for 7 days of vacation plus the preplanning which always involves buying a few special vacation clothes. I was having a panic attack thinking about all of the expenses, which is when in my adult responsible mind I thought to myself, this trip isn't possible.
If I were still at home and didn't max out my credit card I would probably be ok, but I'm not at home and owe a lot of money out. I decided to skip this trip and refocus my attention on my ever climbing debt and get it under control. I owe a few people some money along with a student loan that is almost done and my credit cards. The next few months are going to be hard but going to be worth it when it's all paid off.
Being a responsible adult really sucks sometimes!
Small Walgreens Beauty Haul
So I went in for concealer (which I didn't get) but found these other deals impossible to pass up. Wet n wild were buy 1 get one half off! The Revlon palettes were half off and buy one get another an additional half off. I was in need some serious nail and cuticle cream because cashiering is jacking my hands and nails up! So got this hard as hoof nail strengthening cream for half off. Its really thick and smells great! Then I got a black polish with a skinny brush because I'm going to the Bulls game tomorrow!!! :) So I'm going to do my nails black and red. So for all of that it was like $23...not bad!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Retail Enviroment
So with being out on my own and having student loans and some credit card debt I decided to get a second job. So now I cashier part time. This isn't my first retail job but I've been out of it for about 5 years now and being back I have mixed feelings.
On one side I love being in the store and seeing all the deals first hand. I love talking with different customers who don't mind giving their opinion on a product. I like that it keeps me busy and I'm earning some extra money and getting a work out!
Now of course there are a few things I don't like. Previously I wasn't a cashier I worked in a specific department so I dealt with people who had specific needs of which I could usually direct them. So I've been cashiering for about 3 weeks minus a few days I spent computer training and here are some of the things that have happened that have drove me crazy! 1. I dropped a box of frozen pasteries, they were not damaged the box wasn't damaged they are freaking frozen! They ride in a bouncy truck boxes get picked up and thrown into our freezer, boxes get thrown on carts to be put away and you have the nerve to tell me you'll be getting a new really?! 2. I'm ringing this lady out and she asks me if we have some specific meatball, I informed her that I wasn't sure I had just started. 'Well can you ask someone?' I know I gave her a dirty look! In my head thinking, woman all them people out on the sales floor and you don't bother to ask any of them? Instead you decide to wait untill you are ready to leave and have a line of people behind you to see about an item. I asked, they didn't know about it either. Then this lady started telling me you guys used to carry this why would you get rid of it? Did you move it? Seriously lady? Did you not understand the first time when I said I just started and don't know.
I just ask that you be mindful of the store employees. We are not all rude idiots. I always do my best to help but when I come in to be a cashier I can't tell you much about the product on the floor. My job is to ring you up as quickly and nicely as I can which I do. Cashiers most likely won't know about the things on the floor, just keep that in mind! Thanks and happy shopping!
On one side I love being in the store and seeing all the deals first hand. I love talking with different customers who don't mind giving their opinion on a product. I like that it keeps me busy and I'm earning some extra money and getting a work out!
Now of course there are a few things I don't like. Previously I wasn't a cashier I worked in a specific department so I dealt with people who had specific needs of which I could usually direct them. So I've been cashiering for about 3 weeks minus a few days I spent computer training and here are some of the things that have happened that have drove me crazy! 1. I dropped a box of frozen pasteries, they were not damaged the box wasn't damaged they are freaking frozen! They ride in a bouncy truck boxes get picked up and thrown into our freezer, boxes get thrown on carts to be put away and you have the nerve to tell me you'll be getting a new really?! 2. I'm ringing this lady out and she asks me if we have some specific meatball, I informed her that I wasn't sure I had just started. 'Well can you ask someone?' I know I gave her a dirty look! In my head thinking, woman all them people out on the sales floor and you don't bother to ask any of them? Instead you decide to wait untill you are ready to leave and have a line of people behind you to see about an item. I asked, they didn't know about it either. Then this lady started telling me you guys used to carry this why would you get rid of it? Did you move it? Seriously lady? Did you not understand the first time when I said I just started and don't know.
I just ask that you be mindful of the store employees. We are not all rude idiots. I always do my best to help but when I come in to be a cashier I can't tell you much about the product on the floor. My job is to ring you up as quickly and nicely as I can which I do. Cashiers most likely won't know about the things on the floor, just keep that in mind! Thanks and happy shopping!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Life by the Lake
On occasion I leave the house early enough I can head down the block to the lake and get a glimpse of the morning sky and sun coming up over lake Michigan. It is a blessing to live this close to the lake! Here are a few of the sights I've seen so early in the morning. Plus a few others just being out near the lake.
Here I'm just sitting on the edge watching the waves hit shore.
I had a few minutes to kill so I caught the sun rising.
My cousin at the park on the lake. He looks in deep thought, he was sad the kid he was playing with left.
The clouds looked crazy this morning so I couldn't resist going down the block. Can you see the moon and a star in the top right side? This picture does no justice to how beautiful this scene was!
One of my FAVORITE cookies!
This is probably something silly to be excited about! However a coworker brought these to a party some time back and I loved them! The only place I found them was walgreens and they were like $3 a package. Which isn't a lot but when your broke that's a lot of $ to spend on a COOKIE which isn't beneficial to my nutrition. Lol. So I hit the dollar tree for some toothpaste. Its early and I haven't eaten so looking to see if I can find a muffin or something since I'm won't be headed home for a few hours. Well I came across this pack of cookies! I was so excited I started checking for an expiration date. I didn't know the regulations on the dollar tree selling stuff out of code just cuz they can get rid of it for a dollar. Still in code, Score! Now I'm sharing this with you so you try this cookie. It reminds me of a ginger cookie but its dry and at the same time melts in your mouth. I just love it!
Congress Basics
Yesterday was the presedential election however today I have heard a lot of confusion so I figured I'd give a quick rundown and hopefully help you out for next time!
There are 3 branches of Government:
1. Legislative Branch: Headed by Congress, which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. The main task of these two bodies is to make the laws. Its powers include passing laws, originating spending bills (House), impeaching officials (Senate), and approving treaties (Senate). There are 2 Senators per state and 435 total members of the House of Representatives. Each states is designated a number of House of Representatives based on population. Here is a link for a list of the Representatives broken down by state and district.
2. Executive Branch: Headed by the president. The president carries out federal laws and recommends new ones, directs national defense and foreign policy, and performs ceremonial duties. Powers include directing government, commanding the Armed Forces, dealing with international powers, acting as chief law enforcement officer, and vetoing laws.
3. Judicial Branch: Headed by the Supreme Court. Its powers include interpreting the Constitution, reviewing laws, and deciding cases involving states' rights.
Electoral Vote: The electoral vote is based on the vote of the electoral college. Representatives from each state are allowed a vote, the bigger the state the more the representatives. The representatives are expected to vote in a way that represents the overall wishes of their state. Want to know who this electoral college is made up of? Click here for additional detail on the Electoral College.
There is a LOT more to know than this. But I figured this can get you started with a few basics. Hope this helps!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
What the ladies want to ask the men
We all have questions but sometimes don't have the right man to ask or don't feel comfortable asking. Well submit your questions to me and I'm going to ask some of the guys. I'll be sure to get an array of opinions from men of all walks of life.
So Ladies, what do you want to know?!
People Bingo
So while looking for a friendly work appropriate activity I came across 'People Bingo' I sent yes or no questions to my coworkers and then made a bingo sheet and they had to ask each other questions to figure out the answer for each square. The only rules were that you could only ask each person 1 question at a time and don't use your name except for the 1 question that you were the only answer to. For that question I asked each person to share one thing about themselves that not many other people may know. It was a ton of fun and a huge boost to office morale!
Tis the Season
So you can pretty much guarantee that for the rest of 2012 you will see many people campaigning and asking for donations. Times are hard but I do my best to give what I can. I went to the grocery store and there were these young girls about 5 with their moms setting up a bake table. On my way in I saw rice crispy treats so I had already decided I'd be buying one of those!
When I came out all the girls were lined up shouting 'help cure kids cancer' and it just really touched me. Not sure if its because they're kids and I have a soft spot for them or if because my sister was diagnosed with thyroid cancer when she was about 11. They gave me a butterfly flyer with the charities info and I got my rice crispy which they hadn't even put prices on. Whatever donation you wanted to give was gladly accepted. Please check out the website, its a great cause!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
So Saturday rolls around and the guys are planted watching college football all day long! I wanted some nachos so we got to slicin n dicin!
Here are all the items we used.
We made guacamole and pico de gallo. Rather than ground beef I bought a skirt steak and cut it into tiny chunks.
Here is a pic of the guac before its mixed and then after.
Warmed up the cheese and started dressing our chips. This is the end yummy!
Monday, October 15, 2012
I know that I can only really count on myself. It usually doesn't bother me but sometimes it really hurts. Feeling like you have no one to turn to. No one to help make life a little easier. Someone who understands your struggles and wants to help you through it. I feel like I only have me. It hurts my heart and my stomach turns to knots. Am I not what I really thought? Have I been fooling myself all this time? Time to get on my hustle and make my life easier! Buy me some nice things and head to some nice destinations. I'm just feeling blue.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Project use it up!
While reorganizing my bathroom I realized how many unused products I have! Four different face lotions, three hair sprays, two face masks and countless Mary Kay eye creams I never managed to sell plus lots of other stuff. All this stuff is a waste of space and money. So I came up with the name Project use it up! I organized my medicine cabinet with one of each essential item so it'd be easily accessible for use. If I have it or a product like it I'm not allowed to buy it.
Check out this basket of product. I have TWO baskets like this and they're both full of product.
These are some of the products I'm trying to use up first.
This is my make up bag and all the dups I tried removing from it. (No the vaseline or the hair lotion lol)
This is insane! I challenge YOU to do the same! Take pics and leave me a link to your blog or vlog so I can check it out. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
I think I just saved a small fortune!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Feeling Down
Have you ever ignored your problems until they're beating down the front door? That is currently how I feel with my financial situation. I've ignored it hoping it would get better and now I'm afraid I've really messed up! If I couldn't pay it at once I just didn't pay it when I should have been paying a little at a time at minimum.
The good news is I've made a few calls and arranged payments just gotta stick with it! I still will have barely any money but at least I have my apartment and its essentials. My part time job hunt continues! I need to get rid of some of this debt and get some money in the bank!
The good news is I've made a few calls and arranged payments just gotta stick with it! I still will have barely any money but at least I have my apartment and its essentials. My part time job hunt continues! I need to get rid of some of this debt and get some money in the bank!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Tri-Color Nails
A top coat in between colors is important to avoid the colors from blending when you use your final top coat. Trust me I learned the hard way! My white lines turned pinkish and my pale color had traces of the dark color where the brush held the color.
This way pretty simple! The hardest part for me is not doing anything until your nails dry so you don't mess em up. Enjoy! :)
Thursday, October 4, 2012

I hope my walk in life is about to become more beautiful and less of a daily struggle. What are your thoughts on my dream? What kind of crazy dreams have you had recently?
I got mine from Lane Bryant originally $18.95 but I got em 50% off on an online sale.
Escape Reality 1 hour at a time with aa peaceful massage.
Stay Put Shower Caddy
I hate over the shower head caddy's because they never stay in place! I found these 'locking' suction cups to hold it in place. They were $1.99 at target for a 2 pack. If you have a large caddy I'd suggest getting 2 packs as the weight of the products you put in also make a difference. So far this works!
You pull the hook straight to remove the suction. When the hook is folded it pushes the under lying suction cup flat against the tile.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Pinching Pennies
With adulthood comes the financial responsibility of yourself. Depending on how big of a spender you are or how you paid for school this can start of easy or this can start of hard.
I was the first in my family to go to college so the process was new to all of us. I ended up in a school that cost way too much money and where the advisers weren't clear on what the actual costs were. So while this was a great learning experience its been a very expensive lesson.
I have a fascination with personal finance and am always doing research and revamping my budget. My goal was to be financially responsible for myself and to build my credit.
I just moved into my own place a few months ago and this has been a budget challenge! You don't realize the resources you go through or how quickly the expenses add up. I have a few credit cards that I am trying to bring the balance down on. With the economy you never know what will happen I'm trying to be safe and get things 'within my means'. My goal is to have 6 months of bills in the bank and eventually work that up to a year. This of course comes after paying of my credit cards and getting myself to live within my means.
I'm currently working on a new weekly budget to snowball some of this debt. I have an excel spreadsheet so I can forecast in the future which makes it easier for planning for larger purchases or to reach a savings goal.
Some of the websites I have found helpful that you should check out are Quizzle & Mint. Quizzle will allow you to get your credit score for free every 6 months. They publish interesting articles and its a good way to find out where you are. They do try and sell you on a yearly plan which I've never done. I don't find that it makes sense to spend money to learn how to save money. I can maybe see it if you are more diverse with stocks and property. Being that I mainly just have debt there are so many other free resources out there. Mint is a website you can use make a budget. You can program some of your bills into it and it will send you reminders and advise you if you have gone over your allotted amount for a particular section. They too have helpful articles and advice.
I grocery shop every couple of days or when needed to ensure I'm not buying food for it to spoil. I reuse grocery bags, sandwich bags and containers food comes in so I don't have to buy these things (often). I don't buy paper towels I spent about $10 on dish towels and wash them weekly. Bar soap is cheaper than body wash and smells just as good and cleans better. I make my own floor cleaner rather than those pricey mop pads. Pinching pennies has caused me to look at an item before I toss it and think can I reuse this as is or can I transform this into another use?
I was the first in my family to go to college so the process was new to all of us. I ended up in a school that cost way too much money and where the advisers weren't clear on what the actual costs were. So while this was a great learning experience its been a very expensive lesson.
I have a fascination with personal finance and am always doing research and revamping my budget. My goal was to be financially responsible for myself and to build my credit.
I just moved into my own place a few months ago and this has been a budget challenge! You don't realize the resources you go through or how quickly the expenses add up. I have a few credit cards that I am trying to bring the balance down on. With the economy you never know what will happen I'm trying to be safe and get things 'within my means'. My goal is to have 6 months of bills in the bank and eventually work that up to a year. This of course comes after paying of my credit cards and getting myself to live within my means.
I'm currently working on a new weekly budget to snowball some of this debt. I have an excel spreadsheet so I can forecast in the future which makes it easier for planning for larger purchases or to reach a savings goal.
Some of the websites I have found helpful that you should check out are Quizzle & Mint. Quizzle will allow you to get your credit score for free every 6 months. They publish interesting articles and its a good way to find out where you are. They do try and sell you on a yearly plan which I've never done. I don't find that it makes sense to spend money to learn how to save money. I can maybe see it if you are more diverse with stocks and property. Being that I mainly just have debt there are so many other free resources out there. Mint is a website you can use make a budget. You can program some of your bills into it and it will send you reminders and advise you if you have gone over your allotted amount for a particular section. They too have helpful articles and advice.
My best suggestion would be to get real with yourself. Write down all your bills and debt and make a plan, a reasonable plan. Don't eliminate all 'fun spending money' because if you do you will crash and burn and end up binging. Set up a realistic budget and goal. Allow yourself to eat out on occasion and put a cap on it. Search the Internet for cheap ways to do the things you are wanting. For example I fell in love with this bracelet but couldn't imagine spending $60 on so I found out how to make my own. I had the silver bracelet (recycle your old) and bought embroidery string in 3 colors for $0.37 each for a total of about $1.25 and my time which I probably would have spent out spending money anyway.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Snack Attack
Just Fab
The 3 above photos are the top and front of the purse. The main closure is a magnetic snap and it has that rope to go over the purse and closes in the back also with a magnetic snap.
The above 2 photos are of the inside. The one on the top is just as soon as you open it. The bottom show that the side panels have zippers and they both open. There is also a center zipper in the main part of the purse.
When I saw the bag I fell in love. It has a textured front and gold hardware. I like the texture because I hate the way faux black leather looks but this is some good faux leather! Lol
This last picture is the back. The back isn't textured. It has a zipper pocket good for keys and a cell phone. I'm holding out the strap for the cross body part here.
Friday, September 28, 2012
With October just around the corner time is running to enjoy the beautiful fall weather in Chicago. I don't want to think about what comes next!
What are your plans for the month & halloween? Do you plan on visiting a pumpkin patch or any October Fests? How about decorating for halloween or going to a haunted house?
October is one of my favorite months! You can layer your outfits to stay warm and look cute! Plus there are so many different activities! I love the Gooberts pumpkin patch in Schaumburg.
I also want to make these ghost dresses for my parents front lawn for decoration.
And of course I gotta find a good haunted house to hit up! So excited for the events ahead?
What are you most excited about?
Escape Reality 1 hour at a time with aa peaceful massage.
What are your plans for the month & halloween? Do you plan on visiting a pumpkin patch or any October Fests? How about decorating for halloween or going to a haunted house?
October is one of my favorite months! You can layer your outfits to stay warm and look cute! Plus there are so many different activities! I love the Gooberts pumpkin patch in Schaumburg.
I also want to make these ghost dresses for my parents front lawn for decoration.
And of course I gotta find a good haunted house to hit up! So excited for the events ahead?
What are you most excited about?
Escape Reality 1 hour at a time with aa peaceful massage.
Jewelry Show & Tell (haul)
So I have been on a bit of an earring kick lately! These first three are from Old Navy and I like how they can add a little sparkle and color to any outfit. From left to right they are red, orange and a peachy rose gold color (my favorites!).
These I got from a jewelry sale at my job. They travel to different buildings. I believe they are called Art as Jewelry. But It is a feline head with Ruby eyes. I just think they are fun! Marked as $35 but got them for 60% off! They are sterling silver.
The ones on the left are also from Old Navy. I love Blue and thought these were so pretty and might make my eyes pop a bit. The ones on the right I got from a craft fair called Art in the Park. They are hand made from magazines! I like owning some original pieces and no two sets of these look the same. A bit funky and eclectic, I love em!
What is your favorite jewelry item? I love earrings! In all colors and sizes.
Friday Outfit of the Day
So its Friday, TGIF! Here is my outfit of the day. Sorry that the pic is a bit blurry it was not even 6am when I took this. :)
Cape: houndstooth cape from Lane Bryant
Top: Chambray top from Lane Bryant
Jeans: Red sweetheart skinny jeans from Old Navy
Flats: Shoe Carnival
How do you style your colored skinny's and cape?
Happy Friday! Share, comment & like, you know you want to.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
They Misunderstood
There is so much music out here that is just horrible! Kids these days know too much and don't have enough of an actual child hood because they are trying to grow up too fast! Be careful what you do around kids and what you subject them too. Let them keep that innocents for as long as possible. Let them be a kid!
Now that I'm off my soap box I just wanted to let you know that Lupe Fiasco's album dropped yesterday! This is some real music! (still not appropriate for kids) You may learn something! My favorite song so far is 'Bitch Bad'. Lupe Fiasco is really speaking the truth on this track! He explains how you do things and may not realize how kids pick up and perceive things. If you haven't checked out this song yet please do! Then go buy the cd because you will not regret it!
'Bitch bad, woman good, lady better they misunderstood'
Take a moment to check out the video!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Lip Junkie
So I'll admit that I have a little addiction to lip products. Mostly chap sticks and glosses as I'm not big on lip color (I'm a chicken with lip color).
Those revlon lip stains in the giant pencil form came out and I had to have it! I got 2 colors and I really liked the product! The color was long lasting and buildable. Here is where my problem came in. I'm not sure if it was the crayon or the change in weather but my lips got super chapped and I've never really had that problem.
Those revlon lip stains in the giant pencil form came out and I had to have it! I got 2 colors and I really liked the product! The color was long lasting and buildable. Here is where my problem came in. I'm not sure if it was the crayon or the change in weather but my lips got super chapped and I've never really had that problem.
I stopped using the stains and picked up the eos and began using that mixed with other glosses when I realized that's all I had with me. At night I would just use vaseline hoping I could cure this icky problem before it got out of control and before I grossed my man out. The problem was inconsistent but the eos wasn't working like I'd hoped it would. So I found my trusty carmex in the bottom of my purse and after a few hours the dryness was gone!
Being at the bottom of the tube and jar! I stopped and picked up a new jar, tube and stick since they were buy 2 get 1 free. I've been using this all day and my lips are back to smooth! I will defiantly be sticking with carmex through the winter season!
What are some of your favorite lip moisturizing lip balms?
Random Acts of Kindness
I had a very lovely birthday including some unexpected gifts. My facebook was full of well wishes and my phone buzzed and rang all day with people wanting to talk to me and share the love. That day and a few days after I was still feeling like I was walking on cloud nine! This inspired me to spread my joy and do some random acts of kindness. So far I brought a cake into work to share with my coworkers, stuck money in each of the vending machines, and shared some tacos with a few less fortunate people. I am looking to keep this going! Any ideas of what else I can do? I know there are a lot of other things I want to do. I will keep you updated! What random acts of kindness have you committed?
Aged Whine
So tomorrow is my 27th birthday (I posted this a few days late). I'm not or have I ever been one of those ladies who is afraid or ashamed to admit her age. The only problem I have with my birthday is now I'm starting to think 'I'm about to be 27 and I am so behind' I do my best to shun these thoughts that are only depressing and heavy. Things pop in my head like I haven't finished getting a degree, I haven't even decided on a degree! I only live in a studio and I struggle weekly to make sure things get paid and that I have some me money every now and then. I haven't traveled enough or to grand enough places. I'm not married and I don't have any kids. Yes, these are the crazy things that sometimes run through my head.
On the other hand I stop myself before I hyperventilate and think 'hey its cool, I've got plenty of time'. I don't have a degree but I have plans to continue school and move up in my company. I live in a small efficient studio. Who needs to pay all that money in rent for a larger apartment just to store more junk?! I struggle a bit from week to week, but oh well struggle builds character and having limited funds has encouraged me to be more mindful about the items that I buy. Sure I haven't traveled the world but I do travel! It's not where you go it's who you go with and how much fun you have. I'm not married which only means that it is not yet time, and the same goes for children.
The point is that there is time! Plus I'm learning to prioritize what is important to ME rather than live or do what society projects on me as acceptable for the age that I am. Be happy where you are and learn to love these kinda young kinda still carefree days.
Stop the Leaks!
One good thing to being financially strapped is you look for better deals. Something you don't usually do when you got the money in the bank! I know I have thought several times 'the savings won't be worth the hassle'
Well I decided to call tmobile to see if I can get a smaller plan. Unfortunately there weren't any plans that would save me money and not risk overages. So I told the guy forget it I'd just leave it as is. As I was getting ready to hang up (and cursing t-mobile in my head) he said 'Hey! Since you've been with us since 2006 and have more than 3 lines with mobile internet your eligible for a $20 credit to your account for 3 months. Would you be interested?' Uh of course! Thank you for that! $60 to apply to my debt pay off!
Traffic in the City
There are roughly 2.7 million people in the city of Chicago. With all these people plus the people migrating in from the suburbs for work that is cause for a lot of traffic. For some people this means sometimes unbearable commute times. Which in turn people get frustrated and look for faster routes and short cuts which has somehow turned into what I call the 'stop sign epidemic'.
People have either forgotten how a stop sign works or just do not care. It is becoming a big issue in the city! I'm on a site and there have been people not native to Chicago comment about the issue stating how they have never seen so many people roll through stop signs like they do here.
I live on a corner where 3 streets intersect and so it is a 6 way stop sign. Just the other day 3 cars moved through the intersection and I decided to proceed otherwise I'd likely sit there forever. I pulled forward, tooted my horn and held my hand out the window to the other car who decided he didn't need to stop. He said something I couldn't make out I replied with 'that's a stop sign' and he replied with some vulgar words and was so angry. I laughed it off and shook my head. The more I thought about this situation the more it upset me. I didn't care what he called me what bothered me was how angry he was that I made him stop when he should have done it on his own. Who does he think he is that he is so special to not have to come to a complete stop and give others a chance to get through the intersection.
At this same intersection I was crossing the street one day with no hassles. Well crossing the main street was a woman in a motorized wheel chair and her dog. This young girl rolls up to the stop sign and didn't even look to her right to see the woman coming and rolled right through the stop sign almost hitting her. The lady luckily was able to stop and pull her dog back before getting hit. Out of reaction to the situation I screamed 'Oh my God you almost hit her' and she didn't even notice and kept on driving.
It saves lives!
These are just two examples and are very recent. On a daily basis I have at least one issue where someone doesn't know how to use a stop sign. This is so dangerous and really doesn't save any time. It's to a point where I feel like something needs to be done, but what? None of us want a stop light at every intersection. None of us want cameras or police at every intersection. So what do we do to get drivers to realize how important it is to STOP at a stop sign? I guess for now I start with this post. Read it, share it and educate others, It saves lives to stop at stop signs.
Love Thyself
Love Thyself is self explanatory! Love you because if you don't love you, no one else will! We live in world that is very visual and there is always this message of 'fitting in' or being 'normal'. Just be you and love you. No matter if you're short or tall, skinny or fat, blond or brunette, purple or green! Here is a little inspirational picture quote that I love! And I'm sure this is more than enough cheese for one day! :)
Dental Dilemma
I need a dentist! I've really been a procrastinator in this department and its bad! I've been taking care of my teeth as I should but things happen. My molars were coming in and out causing pain burt as usual I ignored it. Well this time when they came in they did so with too much pressure and cracked my last tooth. As I type this I just popped 2 advils (and I don't do medicine) to stop the pain. This is so unbearable I don't know how people deal with this pain.
PSA: Go to the dentist for a routine cleaning every 6 months to avoid this.
I know once I go I'll think, why did I wait so long? Part of the reason I've waited so long is $$$. The dentist is expensive and dental insurance doesn't cover much. Ugh here begins my search. Hopefully I can find a place that will do payments with me.
PSA: Go to the dentist for a routine cleaning every 6 months to avoid this.
I know once I go I'll think, why did I wait so long? Part of the reason I've waited so long is $$$. The dentist is expensive and dental insurance doesn't cover much. Ugh here begins my search. Hopefully I can find a place that will do payments with me.
I guess everyone's 'first' blog post is a bit generic just giving an overview of what you may find here in future posts. This isn't my first post but this is my first post since I've decided I want to get this blog going.
Well I'm a 20 something girl born and raised in Chicago. I don't have one main topic for this blog, you will see a little bit of everything. Just trying to find me and my place in this world and figured I would share my growths and struggles. Maybe you'll learn something and hopefully I will!
Welcome! Kick back and enjoy! Feel free to comment and share :)
Well I'm a 20 something girl born and raised in Chicago. I don't have one main topic for this blog, you will see a little bit of everything. Just trying to find me and my place in this world and figured I would share my growths and struggles. Maybe you'll learn something and hopefully I will!
Welcome! Kick back and enjoy! Feel free to comment and share :)
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